Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hale-o, Good-bye

Title: Hale-o, Good-bye
14” X 18” X 14”
Date: 8/28/08
Media: Assemblage
Materials: Wood (oak, maple, poplar, walnut,) Steel
Price: $300.00


My first piece as a graduate student at West Virginia University. I am very proud to be a student at WVU. Hale-o, Good-bye is a direct response to an assignment by Professor Jason Lee. The project was use ONLY wood and metal found in the scrap bins to create a piece in your style. The assignment was to show your skills in wood and metal joinery. My skills are high in woodwork and terribly low in metalwork. I am happy with the outcome. The title is a bit of a joke. The artist that I am replacing in the program was named Hale. I am hoping that everyday I prove that I am not he. I hope to prove that I am my own person, working in my own style, and learning everyday.


Anonymous said...

ron, i love this piece. the play on the title is so great.
what's it like going back to school after having taught a few classes?

i have to say that after having your class i am missing the work. i really enjoyed sculpture! as well as your insight and experience. thanks for pushing me. my final sculpture is still a wonderful conversation piece i keep in my living room ( all 8 feet of it ) people ask if i will do one for them and i laugh and refuse :)

Anonymous said...
