Monday, January 26, 2009

Pissing Contest

Title: Pissing Contest
Size: 8’ X 3’ X 4’ 6”
Date: 12-2008
Media: Assemblage
Materials: Wood, wire, lamps, galvanized pipe, game board, bedpans.

This piece was inspired by an argument with a family member. This confrontation lasted hours with neither side giving in, both with righteousness on their side. I have always thought the colloquialism of the “pissing contest” was a hilarious visualization. Here I use humor to deal with the harsh realities of a personal experience. I invite anyone to step up into the role of the competitor but be ready to have you side of the story in the spot light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!! Hey, if you wouldn't mind, please post one of your pics here: www,